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  • B ME Bites 38: Small Changes, Big Impact - Chemical-Free Self-Care for the Holidays

B ME Bites 38: Small Changes, Big Impact - Chemical-Free Self-Care for the Holidays

Simple steps to take better care of yourself and your loved ones

Some of the links in this newsletter might be affiliate links. I only share stuff I've personally tried and/or believe are truly valuable resources. Clicking on them won't cost you a cent extra (promise!), but it might earn me a tiny commission to keep the coffee flowing and the lights on in B ME Bites HQ. So, if you find something that interests you, feel free to click away! 😄☕️

This week’s B ME Bites Trivia Question:

Artificial fragrances in personal care products can trigger headaches and respiratory issues in some individuals. - True or False?

Answer at the bottom of this week’s newsletter

Welcome to edition #38 of B ME Bites! This week’s B ME Bites explores small changes for better health with chemical-free self-care ideas for the holiday season.

Click on the graphic to learn more about the DIY Chemical-Free Starter Kit Blueprint Plus Edition and start your journey to healthier self-care today!

Small Changes, Big Impact - Chemical-Free Self-Care for the Holidays

Simple steps to take better care of yourself and your loved ones

The holiday season is filled with joy and giving, but it’s also a great time to reflect on small changes that support better health. One often-overlooked area is the products used every day—from skincare to household items. Many contain chemicals that might not align with a healthier lifestyle, but making simple swaps can make a big difference.

Why Pay Attention to Chemicals in Products?

Products like lotions, sprays, and soaps often contain synthetic ingredients that may irritate the skin or disrupt the body’s natural balance. While these effects might seem small, they add up over time. Choosing chemical-free options is a simple step toward better health for both body and mind.

Start with Small, Manageable Changes

Taking on too much at once can feel overwhelming. Instead, focus on one small S.T.E.P.S step at a time. For example:

  • Swap a store-bought lotion for a natural alternative.

  • Make a chemical-free room spray to freshen your home.

  • Replace one cleaning product with a homemade version.

Make It Fun and Personal

Creating your own products can be a rewarding experience. Not only do you control what goes into them, but it’s also a chance to infuse your creations with love and care. These make thoughtful, personalised gifts for loved ones—or a special treat for yourself.

A Resource to Help You Get Started

If the idea of going chemical-free feels intimidating, don’t worry. The DIY Chemical-Free Starter Kit Blueprint Plus Edition has everything needed to begin this journey. With simple instructions, exclusive recipes, and beautifully designed printable labels, it’s never been easier to take this step toward better health.

Small actions, like choosing chemical-free self-care, build over time to create a healthier, happier you. This holiday season, celebrate yourself and your loved ones by prioritising wellbeing in a meaningful way.

What’s one small change you can make this week to take care of YOU?

Reader Spotlight

Debbie left the following review after reading “Fat to Fabulous: Diet Free Weight Loss for Real Women”:

Fantastic tips!

Thank you for sharing your amazing story. Such an easy reading style and so from the heart and great tips to follow. A very personal story and details you may not hear anywhere else! Well done! Great read! Read before you start your own journey!


Weekly Challenge

Your mission for this week, if you choose to accept it, is to do the following:

Pick one product to replace with a chemical-free alternative and swap it over. It could be a lotion, spray, or cleaning product—enjoy the small step toward better health!

If you need some help, feel free to hit reply - let’s help you get started if you’re stuck!

B ME Bites is deliberately sent on a Friday morning (Aussie time) so that where ever you are in the world, you have the weekend to give yourself the gift of implementing a small change towards a better you. What will that small change be? Is there a change that you have been trying to make and haven’t yet succeeded? Give it another go, applying the above - you can do it!

Resource Roundup

Explore the hidden dangers of chemicals in everyday products and discover safer alternatives in this short video from the Environmental Working Group (EWG):

Learn about the hidden risks in everyday beauty products and how they can impact health in "Toxic Beauty" from Harvard Health::

Ready to make chemical-free living simple and stress-free? The DIY Chemical-Free Starter Kit Blueprint Plus Edition has everything needed to get started, including step-by-step instructions, exclusive recipes, and printable labels to keep it fun and easy!:

Click on the graphic for more details

Below is a resource list that has been created with you in mind. Whenever something new that could be helpful is discovered or created, it’s added to the list, so check it out from time to time. If you’re strapped for time, once you open the page below, click on Resource List in the top menu, then click on the “Health Tools” link for a list of items that could be helpful on your path to a better you.

Click on the graphic to access the resources

The answer to this week’s trivia question is:

Answer: True

Many artificial fragrances contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other chemicals that can act as irritants, particularly for people with sensitivities or conditions like asthma. Studies published in Environmental Health Perspectives have linked artificial fragrances to symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and respiratory discomfort. Opting for chemical-free alternatives can help reduce these risks and promote better health.

Thanks for reading and the hope is that you found something helpful inside this issue. If you did, remember to share it with others whom could also find it helpful, using this link: https://bmebites.beehiiv.com

How did you like the content in this newsletter?

Hit reply and answer either 1,2 or 3, and, if the answer is 2 or 3, give the deets on what would make it a 1 for you!:

  1. Loved it!

  2. It was OK

  3. Meh!

If you have an inspiring story, or a helpful tip or strategy to share, or if there is something specific you would like covered, please fill out the form below so that it can be shared with the community. Please note that this is a subscriber survey, so you may have to subscribe first (hint, hint…… 😉) : https://bmebites.beehiiv.com/forms/8d0dfdd1-4290-4e40-bff9-1f61b812c661

Until next week, keep taking one S.T.E.P.S step at a time! (If you missed the issue explaining The S.T.E.P.S Formula, you can check that out here)

Warm regards,

Shari Ware Chief Encouragement Officer at B ME Bites

PS - Here’s a little Friday funny for you!

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